Archives of Previous Virtual Events
We are humbled to share these parts of our amazing previous virtual rallies.

The Spark
Spring Rally 2022
History Workshop
*Regi Panel with Lynz Floren '99, Barbara '99, Scott Rattray '82
Peace Vigil for Ukraine
Featuring meditation with Alex Jett, '94
Restorative Yoga
with Betsy Giunti, 95

Navigating Authenticity
Fall Rally 2021
Keynote Workshop
5 Steps to Bringing Your Authentic Voice Into the World: with Noelle Silver, 95
Keynote Workshop
Where In The Future Are You?
Navigating The Spiritual Journey
with Grace & Enthusiasm
(and a healthy dose of doubt…)
with Brett Tillander, '86
and special Guests: Dr. Mel Campbell, '90, Malyana Dawn '89, Dean Logan '86, and Stacy Macris Ros, '89.
Authenticity Faire Workshop
Finding Authenticity and Purpose in your Professional Life: with Gracy Obuchowicz, '01
That 70s Panel
Join Kahla Wheeler-Rowan (Beach), '72, Rev. Patty Williams (Gicante), '80, and Diana Brittain Thompson (Jones), '79 on a 1970's journey through Youth Of Unity.

Showing up
Radically Vulnerable
Spring Rally 2021
Keynote Workshop-THE MUDDY LAMP AND THE MIRROR: A Conversation with Sarita and Justin
Workshop: Good Times, Great Oldies: YOU in the 1960s-with Charles DeTurk
Workshop - Crystal Bowl Heart Opening - with Ian (Love) Harris
Workshop- Body Acceptance Vulnerability Experience

Fall Rally 2020
Here is a selection of resources saved from this event.
Opening Slideshow
Panel Discussion-Toxic Positivity and Spiritual Bypass Panel Slideshow
Keynote Speaker- Gracy Obuchowicz, 2001 - Self Care Workshop